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Working With Orgone Crystal Energy

Orgone Energy Devices: Their Uses, Benefits & Where to Place Them!

What is Electromagnetic Field and Electromagnetic Smog and should we be concerned?

Electromagnetic frequencies/field (EMFs) produce what is known as Electromagnet Smog (EMS). EMS is caused by appliances that we use on a daily basis: microwaves, computers, mobile phones, especially 5g phones, smart devices such as televisions, WIFI, routers, even hoovers and devices that connect via Bluetooth (TM), to name just a few. Because EMS is generated by anything that we need to plug into an electrical source or, even something that requires a battery to work, we need to be aware of any health dangers these devices may create. Essentially, EMF/EMS is radiation, and radiation may cause immune deficiencies and leukaemia,. Furthermore, according to ‘Mental Illness & Screen Time (https://www.defendershield.com/mental-illness-screen-time-how-emfs-technology-addiction-may-be-to-blame/), mental and psychological disorders may also be a result of EMF/EMS exposure. However, according to healthline.com, these electrical/battery devices produce non-ionizing radiation and they say that that type of radiation does not harm us. I would add a cautionary caveat to that, stating that because most of us nowadays have a plethora of those types of devices operating at multiple times in our homes, we need to consider that the potential radiation risk is escalated exponentially and take appropriate action to protect our health.

How our body responds to EMS stimulation

Our body is a finely tuned piece of bio-engineering that will produce a stress response pretty quickly to frequencies that may harm it. The way our body reacts to this form of radiation may include:

  • Diminished blood flow and oxygen to organs
  • Impairment of all body systems
  • Increased blood sugar
  • Increased blood pressure & heart rate
  • Interference with cell metabolism
  • Anxiety & stress
  • Depression & other mental conditions
  • Arthritis and other joint issues

What is an Orgone energy device – its uses and benefits?

If you read my earlier post, ‘Orgonite: What is it?’, you will have garnered an understanding of Orgone and its evolution into Orgonite. Orgone crystal devices are simply a creation of crystals and metals (organic and inorganic materials) that are encased in resin. These Orgone energy devices or pieces are able to attract the lifeforce energy (Orgone) and then extract the negative EMF/EMS energy from that and transmute the negative energy into positive Orgone (lifeforce) energy. The important element to note here is that an Orgone Crystal energy piece must be made to a ratio of 50% organic to 50% inorganic material. Once the Orgone device is correctly crafted it is deemed fully capable of providing protection from EMS. It is worth noting here that Orgone Crystal devices are modern adaptations of Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s original Orgone Energy Accumulator and you can read his practical use of his Orgone Energy Accumulator at http://orgonics.com/whatisor.htm.
Aside from what we can control with eliminating these EMS-emitting devices from our own environment, we can actually use Orgone energy itself to harness Positive Orgone Energy for healing because these devices also produce ‘good’ Orgone (life-force) energy and as such promote well-being and harmony within your environment. Equally, with the inclusion of crystals within the device their own healing and metaphysical abilities also produce positive vibrations.

Where to place an Orgone energy device in your home or workplace?

The EMS that surrounds us is not only insidious but invisible! That being the case, in order to attempt to protect ourselves from EMS, short of banning every electrical, Bluetooth and battery device from our homes and our lives, we need to find a more realistic solution. The most aesthetic and pleasing solution, and often the cheapest, is to surround ourselves and our personal environment with Orgone Crystal energy pieces. If you are only able to purchase one Orgone Crystal device then place that next to your computer. You can always move it into the kitchen when you are cooking, or move it anywhere you are within range of a EMS emitting device. If you are able to buy more devices then place one in each room where there are EMS emitting equipment. Orgone Crystal energy pieces are not only practical but also decorative and they will certainly not look out of place in your home or workplace. You could, if you wish, place an Orgone Crystal energy piece in, or near, each corner of your home (or workplace if that is practical) to provide full environment protection. Finally, by simply holding an Orgone device or being near one, negative energy will be cleared from your personal field, thereby creating a beneficial and more balanced and healthy state.

Charlz Brownrigg is the CEO of Lifeflows Well-Being Energy Solutions and OrgoneNorfolk. She has been working with crystals for over 30 years and is also a life and well-being coach.

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