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Bad Luck Runs In 3s

I’m sure you have all heard the saying that bad luck comes in threes? If you do an internet search to try to identify where this ‘rule of 3’ originated you are faced with a plethora of reasons, but I quite like the answer from: https://folklorethursday.com/folklife/bad-luck-comes-threes/

Whatever the history of this belief, it does seem to hold sway as much for us today as it did for our ancestors, and I can testify to that having experienced three rounds of ‘bad’ luck in 12 days! For those of you who are mathematically adept, you will know that twelve is divisible by three – so I wonder if that substantiates the rule of 3 even more in my case? For the numerologists reading this blog, please add your thoughts and comments!

Let me start off by saying that I firmly believe 2019 is going to be a great year for me, despite my run of three pieces of bad luck; my faith in this year has not been diminished at all. Actually, getting my round of bad luck out of the way at the very beginning of this year makes me feel even more excited about the rest of the year’s good fortune 🙂 The way of this year can now flow positively.

I know you are all eager to find out what my bad luck threesomes consisted of, so chronologically here they are:

  1. On 7th January I lost a beautiful Orgone electromagnetic bracelet that I bought for myself as a personal Christmas present. Admittedly, I have lost it somewhere in the garden, no doubt caught up in the oak leaf ground coverage, which I have tried to go through but to no avail. So now I calm myself with the thought that the bracelet is still working positively for my home, it’s occupants, the garden and local nature.
    Please see: http://thespiritscience.net/2014/03/15/the-amazing-healing-properties-of-orgonite/ for more information on Orgone
  2. On 10th January, whilst driving through the country lane on my morning work commute, a hen suddenly flew out of a field immediately in front of my little car. Although, I tried to avoid it I’m afraid I hit it. I turned my car around and returned to the spot to see if I could help the hen, but sadly the impact had killed it. I picked the hen up and put it gently on the grass verge, out of harm’s way from other passing vehicles and as a sign of respect. I then looked at my car and the passenger side front bumper was very badly damaged by this impact. That meant I had to go back to my local garage, check the road safety of my vehicle and then get the garage to tape up my bumper. Overall, this event meant not only did I kill a beautiful bird, but was over an hour late for work, have driven the 50 mile daily commute with a taped up bumper and will incur the garage costs on Monday (21/1/19) when the replacement bumper is fitted!
  3. On 14th January, I arrived at work and after about thirty minutes I realised that I actually wasn’t feeling too well. I came home that evening and went straight to bed, without eating. I managed to get to work the next day, but actually felt worse, and seemed to be sporting a temperature to boot! It was the same for Wednesday! Luckily, I had a day off on Thursday, and I spent that day wrapped up warmly in bed. On Friday, I was back at work again, and although not fully recovered, by the end of that evening I was starting to feel better. My ‘rule of 3’ had been completed.


With these three events coming at me so quickly it would have been so very easy for me to become down and feel like a victim; falling into that mode of thinking. However, my Lifeflows ethos means that I believe every event provides an opportunity for me to learn and grow and to realise and be grateful for what I do have. I know from this threesome, that I am grateful for my health, I am grateful for being able to work so that I can afford to live in the beautiful countryside, I am grateful for waking up each morning to be given the chance to experience a new potential, a new opportunity, a new event.

I cordially welcome your comments and experiences around the ‘rule of 3’ and if you would like to know more about Lifeflows please visit: www.lifeflows.co.uk or connect with me on Twitter at twitter.com/contentedspace

Charlz Brownrigg (Lifeflows)

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