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Crystal Resin Orgonite Pyramid


Citrine, Quartz Granite, Brass, Stainless Steel & Neodymium Magnet

The metals and Quartz mixed within the resin casing mean this is also a 5g EMF protection device; place it near electronic devices such as TVs, computers, microwaves, fridge/freezers, and mobile phones to protect you from the harmful electro-magnetic fog that these household items may produce.

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Because the pyramid is a power symbol that anchors life-force energy and then directs and projects those energies out through the apex you are able to decide what you want this crystal resin pyramid to do for you, by setting your intent and communicating regularly with your pyramid.

๐Ÿ’ŽCITRINE is a top-class manifestation stone because it encourages your imagination and personal empowerment. Sometimes known as a cuddle crystal it Is a warm, sunny crystal that promotes a love of life and new creations. Importantly Citrine does not hold onto accumulated negative energy instead it transmutes and grounds that energy.

๐Ÿ’ŽQUARTZ GRANITE is an amplifier of energy and intention as well as protecting you against negativity. It is a powerful crystal when it comes to clearing and healing all levels within you and provides protection against pollutants. If you find that you cannot see the woods from the trees, turn to this crystal because it will help you to see the bigger picture and gain clarity.

๐Ÿ’ŽBRASS has healing properties that boost the immune system. It is also a bringer of courage

๐Ÿ’ŽSTAINLESS STEEL Chromium is a main element of stainless steel and Chromium is thought to be a powerful healer that also brings abundance and joy. In itself, stainless steel is known as a symbol of permanence.

๐Ÿ’ŽNEODYMIUM MAGNET (Orange) Magnets have been used since ancient times for their healing properties and Neodymium magnets are an alloy containing Neodymium, Iron and Boron making them the perfect magnet to add into the Orgoniteยฎ process to create Orgone energy. Neodymium is the strongest magnet that is legally available for sale and OrgoneNorfolk have included this magnet into this piece not only because it is a powerful magnetic field that will interact with the magnetic field of our planet, but also because of its renowned healing ability in the alternative medicine field. The colour ‘orange’ resonates with our second Chakra, known as the Sacral Chakra, which governs our emotions, sexuality, creativity and has an impact on our joyfulness and compassion.


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