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Malachite Orgone Torus

Sacred Geometry Orgone Torus: Metaphysical Properties of the Crystals & Metals

The aim of this post is to provide the metaphysical properties of Lifeflows unique Sacred Geometry Orgone Torus as shown in our Etsy shop. This post is needed because Etsy have recently updated their medical policy and now certain words contravene this policy. Unfortunately, Etsy has not specified words or sentences that may contravene their policy, but I believe words such as: ‘wellbeing healing’, ‘wonderful healer’, ‘deep healing to your physical, etheric and emotional bodies’ may trigger the medical policy wording. Whenever it is felt that a new Lifeflows creation added to the Etsy shop may trigger that Etsy medical policy, I will create a new metaphysical properties post on this website so that our customers can benefit from the additional metaphysical information.


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💎MALACHITE is a protective stone capable of dissolving negative and energy and pollutants in the air. It also helps reduce your feelings of negativity by balancing mood swings and attracting positivity into your life. It is a spiritually inviting stone that both soothes and mesmerises you at the same time. It works with the Devas of Mother Nature to bring deep healing to your physical, etheric, and emotional bodies. Malachite is an excellent stone to include within an Orgonite generator because Malachite also clears electromagnetic pollution. Malachite works deeply with the Heart chakra but will also help to activate and clear other chakra energy centres within the body. Being a colour of vibrant green, tells us that it is a crystal of growth that is deeply connected with the nurturing elements of Mother Earth

💎MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN with its inclusion of Iron makes this a a deep grounding stone that resonates with the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras. It is also a wonderful healer helping to ease symptoms of emotional pain by helping you to cut the energetic cords from people that have sapped your energy, thereby restoring a sense of balance in one’s life. It is excellent stone for shielding against psychic attacks. Despite being a strong stone, it has a gentle nature meaning that it works in a kind and soothing way to improve feelings of wellbeing.

💎QUARTZ magnifies the properties of the stones around it. Is known as a ‘master’ crystal because, not least, it has very high vibrations and is tried and trusted within many health and electronic industries. Clear Quartz can clear the clutter away from the mind, body, and spirit. It is a supportive crystal and accepts your intention thereby helping to show the pathway for the achievement of each goal. It is the most popular go-2-crystal for reviving tired minds aiding concentration and improving memory.

💎DOLOMITE brings feelings of joy, ease, and comfort. It helps you to connect to the spiritual world in order to find who you truly are. It is a calm and grounding stone that integrates and balances the seven major chakras, making it a truly transformative stone. Dolomite facilitates your ability to feel love from within and from others.

💎COPPER is a phenomenal energy conductor. Well known for its healing capabilities. It also:
* Clears away negative energy; * Sends and amplifies thoughts; * Sends healing energy; * Is associated with the planet Venus so brings love and calm; * Magical metal that provides a harmonic pathway between the realms of the physical and spiritual.

💎BRASS is composed of Copper and Zinc therefore it contains the metaphysical properties of both these metals. Copper being a phenomenal energy conductor and healer, it is also for:
* Clearing away negative energy; * Is associated with the planet Venus so brings love & calm; * Magical metal that provides a pathway between the realms of the physical & spiritual
Zinc has healing properties that boost the immune system. It also:
* Helps increase intelligent & abstract thinking; * Encourage; spontaneity & intuition; * Aids sleep by calming a restless mind; * Brings courage.

💎GREEN FELT although primarily applied to the base of this semi-torus we are reminded that Green is the colour of the Heart chakra. Green is a calming colour and a colour that strongly resonates with the power and growth of nature within Mother Earth

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