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Orgonite: What Is It?

What are Orgone and Orgonite?

Orgone, is the western term used to describe etheric or vital life-force energy. In Chinese philosophy this life-force energy is better known as Chi, whereas Hindu philosophy call it Prana, and in the bible it is referred to as Ether.

Orgonite is the combination of inorganic and organic materials along with the inclusion of quartz crystal/s in order to create an energy transmutation device that attracts Orgone (life-force energy), extracts negative energy and transmutes the negative energy into positive energy. An Orgonite device does not need any form of external power because it is continuously self-driven. The pyramid image above is an example of an Orgonite device; it contains Tigers Eye crystals (which are a form of quartz) mixed with other organic and inorganic materials to create a standalone device. It is the inclusion of quartz crystals that make Orgonite different from the Orgone accumulator because as the resin (which encases the other materials) hardens it presses upon the quartz creating a piezoelectric effect that polarises the ends of the crystal/s inside.

Who discovered Orgone and Orgonite?

Orgone was a term first used by Dr Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957) who was an Austrian medical doctor and psychiatrist. He was researching whether traumatic experiences caused the natural life-force energy to be blocked within the human body resulting in physical and mental illnesses. As a result of his research, in 1940, Reich invented a metal-lined box that he called an Orgone Accumulator (see image below). This box was lined with alternating layers of organic material and metal material in order to facilitate the accumulation of Orgone, which was then directed to the person sitting inside the box. The organic material attracted the life-force energy, whilst the metal material radiated the energy towards the centre of the box. Dr Reich went on to successfully use the Orgone Accumulator to supplement the treatment of his patients. Unfortunately, the US Government arrested Dr Reich because he would not stop using his Orgone Accumulator on his patients, and all his notes on Orgone and his Orgone equipment were publicly burnt. Wilhelm Reich died in the federal prison in 1957 at the age of 60. Even today, the US Government still tries to censure Orgone and stop its sale in America.

Orgonite is a mix of organic (resin) and inorganic materials (metals) which need to be mixed together at approximate ratio of 50/50. Orgonite was created and identified by Austrian occultist, inventor and graduate of mathematics and physics, Karl Hanz Welz following his research into Reich’s Orgone Accumulator. In 1991 Welz built the first device that was able to generate Orgone energy called the Orgone Generator and at the same time he registered the trade name of Orgonite. The difference between Reich’s Orgone Accumulator and Welz’s Orgonite is that the latter can change harmful bioenergy into healthy bioenergy. Essentially, Orgonite supersedes Reich’s original device.

In 2002 psychic Carol Croft discovered that if you add quartz crystal/s to the Orgonite mix of organic and inorganic materials, the crystal energy/frequency enables the accumulation of Orgone and also transmutes any negative (EMF) energy into positive energy. It is worth noting that this blog author has found that some other crystals will also cause the same action/reaction.

What is EMF?

EMF stands for Electromagnetic field, essentially an energy per unit of electrical charge. An EMF arises whenever electrical energy is used, for example electric kitchen equipment, mobile phones, computer, etc. Studies on EMF are now beginning to show that exposure to EMF may be dangerous to human health. Our natural environment and our bodies produce EMF at a very low level, however modern technology has produced equipment that generates a much higher level of EMF and these electromagnetic fields may cause risks to our health. One of the main aims of an Orgonite device is to attract these harmful EMFs and then transmute them into positive life-force energy.

Why is it important to differentiate between Organic and Inorganic?
Although Orgone, like Prana, is always around us, in order to create an Orgone device a 50/50 (approximately) mix of organic and inorganic materials must be used. Orgone energy cannot be created by using organic material or inorganic material alone.

What is Resin?

Resin is an organic compound and clear resin forms an integral element within the Orgonite creation. It is naturally found in certain trees and plants. However, synthetic resins are more stable and durable but they are still organic. It is important to note than objects made of resin can sometimes be brittle and consequently chip or splinter so care should always be taken when handling Orgonite devices.


Although, Orgone and Orgonite has been around for, at least, the last 50 years, it is only relatively recently that they have sparked the interest of the general public. Orgonite devices are now readily available for sale in the United Kingdom and Europe, some of which are not only life-force devices but also beautiful pieces of art and decoration. As someone who only started to get involved with making Orgonite devices in 2019, I am a relative novice in this field of crystal endeavour, however, in this brief period I can already attest to their charm, individual character and energetic ability.

If you would like to know more, please contact me at info@lifeflows.co.uk or by Facebook message at https://www.facebook.com/OrgoneNorfolk alternatively you can catch my next blog later this month when I discuss the uses, benefits and placement of Orgonite devices.

Charlz Brownrigg is the CEO of Lifeflows Well-Being Energy Solutions and OrgoneNorfolk. She has been working with crystals for over 30 years and is also a life and well-being coach.

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